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Copyright and Fair Use: Media you CAN use

A guide to help you understand copyright and fair use in education.

Why This Is Important

If you do not want to or cannot create your own multimedia, you should look for ones  that artists  want to share freely,  When using images, music / sounds or films / videos from the sites below, always double-check to make sure that the owners of the music are willing to share them freely. Sometimes, there might be minor restrictions.

Note: You will still need to cite!

Image Sources

MLA Citation for Images


Last Name, First Name. "Title." Website, Day Month Year Published. URL. Accessed Day Month Year.

Film / Video Sources

MLA Citation for Film / Video


Film: Title. Directed by, performances by , Company, Published.

Online Video: Last Name, First Name. "Video Title.” Website Name, uploaded by , Date, URL.

Music / Sound Sources

MLA Citation for Music / Sound


Last Name, First Name. "Name of Song." Website. Date Published. URL. Date Accessed.